About C&J Counseling

Your Compassionate Guide to Inner Peace

At C&J Counseling, we understand the courage it takes to seek help during challenging times. With a background in Christian Counseling, Counseling, and military service, we offer a safe space for you to explore your emotions and experiences.

Empowering You to Overcome Life's Challenges

Find Strength and Guidance in Times of Need

Welcome to C&J Counseling, where we bring a unique blend of experiences to provide you with the support and understanding you deserve. Let us walk beside you on your journey to healing and growth.

Our Focus Areas

Discover personalized counseling services tailored to your needs and experiences. We specialize in Christian Counseling, providing holistic support for individuals facing various life challenges.

Compassionate Support

With over 19 years of experience as a U.S. Army Chaplain, we create a nurturing environment where you can share your stories and struggles without fear of judgment.

Veteran Therapy

As a former infantry soldier and therapist, we offer specialized therapy services for veterans, understanding the unique journey of transitioning from military to civilian life.

Holistic Healing

Our approach combines traditional therapy techniques with the principles of Christian Counseling, fostering spiritual growth and emotional well-being in our clients.

Personalized Care

We believe in the power of individualized care, tailoring our counseling sessions to meet your specific needs and goals for personal development.

Years of Experience of Pastoral Counseling

Years of Clincal Counseling

Clients Supported

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Veteran Owned Company

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