Welcome to C&J Counseling

Compassionate Counseling for Inner Healing

Embrace Your Journey to Emotional Wellness

At C&J Counseling, we provide a sanctuary for individuals seeking guidance and support in their emotional well-being. Our holistic approach combines Christian values, professional counseling, and military insight to help you navigate life's challenges with resilience and strength.

Meet Charles

A highly qualified and motivated professional

I bring a unique blend of experiences to my role as a therapist. I’m a former infantry soldier, current U.S. Army Chaplain of 19+ years, and therapist. As a war time veteran, I understand the challenges of navigating through difficult times. It isn’t easy to admit we might need help, that we have fears that no one will understand what we’re experiencing, or if I seek help some people may judge us. If we’re able to get past those initial thoughts of judgment, fear, or vulnerability we may find that there are people out there that will hear us, be with us, and help us during our difficult times. I would like to be that person for you.

I enjoy working with adults, couples, and families. I have experience working with clients with anxiety, depression, self-harm, suicidal ideation, PTSD, and more. The client is the true “expert” in their own life, and I see myself as a guide and mentor along the way. What is important to me is to be authentic and genuine in the therapy process.

In my experience I have gained invaluable knowledge. I have been there at end-of-life circumstance, beginnings and ending of marriages, and traumas of all kinds. I have been with people suffering in one fashion or another. I can be there for you too.

Start Your Healing Journey Today

Take the first step towards a brighter future

Reach out to C&J Counseling to schedule a confidential session and begin your transformational journey towards inner peace and emotional healing.

Veteran Owned Company

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